SCALPS (CBR rated 25) – a crushed recycled bedding/fill with majority fines and great compaction ideal for bedding, pavers, fillings, pipe laying, back filling trenches, under concrete slabs etc.
ROADBASE (CBR rated 80) – a cost effective crushed recycled concrete (50% 20mm and 50% scalps). Suitable for car parks, driveways, roadways and under paving.
10MM AGGREGATE – crushed concrete with minimal fines with a nominal particle size of 10mm. For use as a free draining material, retaining wall backfill, under pipes, slabs, etc
20MM AGGREGATE – crushed concrete with minimal fines with a nominal particle size of 20mm. For use as a free draining material, retaining wall backfill, under pipes, slabs, etc
20-40MM Aggregate – free draining crushed concrete, particle sizes nominally between 20mm and 40mm. Minimal fines, backfill to building sites behind retaining walls, rock walls and all weather access roads.
40-70MM Aggregate – free draining crushed concrete, particle sizes nominally between 40mm and 70mm. Minimal fines, backfill to building sites behind retaining walls, rock walls and all weather access roads.